Tuesday With Terry

Time Management Is Crucial For Maximizing Results!

Every day brings us a little more time, so I thought that would be a prime topic to touch on this lovely Friday.
When it comes to time management and making the MOST of your time, I ask myself these two questions:
  1. Are you spending time on productive habits throughout your day, every day?
  2. Can you delegate some of your tasks to your associates & partners or technology?

A great place to start when it comes to maximizing the most out of our time is the start of the day. Starting your day, getting up, dressed, brushing your teeth, whatever your morning routine is, taking those simple steps creates a great habit of caring for yourself. When you take care of yourself at the beginning of the day and the end of every day, you have more time in between to focus on managing your time and getting things done. You’re creating habits that you expect yourself to take every day and those compound over time.

But what happens if I’m overwhelmed?There are small, tedious, and simple-minded tasks that we must accomplish every day to hit those KPIs and milestones we strive to reach. With so much needing to be done, it’s easy to get lost in attempting to catch up on follow-ups, administrative tasks, and even running errands. Taking advantage of the technology and tools we have now is crucial. Once you implement them into your businesses, it’s smooth sailing to your goals.There are many ways to schedule a reminder on your phone, laptop, or tablet. You can schedule follow-up emails with your email provider. CRMs, CMPs, SMMPs, and so many more acronyms help do the tedious parts of our jobs. The point is to start using these tools to make sales and communication with your next potential client or customers simpler, faster, and overall more efficient.

Delegating minor tasks and taking full advantage of technology can help you, creating more time to focus on what really matters in your business, which is gaining speed and growing.

I hope you implement some of what you learned today into everything you do. Remember: the most strenuous part of doing something is starting. But without beginning, you cannot maximize your results.
Enjoy your weekend, but take some time to be intentional with the steps you’re taking on your way through your life and business.

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